Career Warriors seek purpose; they have weapons of choice and know how to use them; and they have the courage to take action, even in the face of adversity.
Andrew Bramley
“Look at the stars”, said the Elder Warrior to the young man as he pointed his crooked finger toward the vast galaxy stretching into the beyond.
“I don’t see anything”, said the young man.
“Ah, you must get used to the darkness. As your eyes adjust the stars will become clearer to you and more will appear”.
And so, they sat, staring into the magnificence of space and time.
“There are literally millions of stars out there”, said the young man eventually.
“You are not even seeing a pin head of what is out there” mused the old man.
“And just as each star has its place in the universe, so you too have a place here on earth. And when you finally do what you came to here to do, you too will shine”.
“How will I know I have found my place here?”
“Because you will feel connected to your God, you will feel connected to the people around you, and you will make a difference that you care about and that serves other people.”
“But then I could just as well do anything since everything makes a difference. And there are so many stars, how do I choose?”
“Ah, said the Elder Warrior. Just by looking outwards you have already learned the first weapon of the warrior. It’s knowing that the universe is vast, and we are not at the centre of it. But each star sheds its own light and helps create the starry heaven here on the earth where we live and beyond”.
“But how do I find my purpose?” persisted the young man.
“You learn fast”, the Elder Warrior said jovially. “The true sign of a warrior is someone who has the courage to seek and pursue what is theirs. It starts by wanting to find it.”
“But even if I truly want to find it, how in this vast universe will I know that its mine?”
“Ah, that is the gift. It is not always an easy road to- find it. But it starts with you. You see, you already know what it is. You may need to work hard to find it and then it also finds you.”
“How will I know for sure I have found it?” the young man said now agitated.
“Oh, that’s the best part. You will find it in the things you love, the things you are fascinated by. You will find it in the things that make you feel alive when you talk about them and get involved in them. And when you find it, you will know. Many people in the world already have it and they find great fulfilment and happiness through it.”
“But how will I earn a living? I also need to care for myself and my family. How will I sustain myself with my purpose?”
“Ah, money”, said the Elder. “We earn our living by serving others. The more people you serve the more you may earn. But real success is not only about how much you earn, it’s about living your dream. And that doesn’t always need lots of money.
If you go after money for its own sake, that may feel like stones in your hand. But if you serve others, you will be rewarded in many different ways and money is just one of them.”
“So, what sets the Warrior apart?”
The Elder Warrior gazed out at the Milky Way as if looking for an answer, then said slowly.
“The Warrior will know there is a gift within himself and will never stop searching for it. He will be brave in the face of opposition and difficulty and be filled with gratitude even when times are tough. And he will never stop wanting to do good by serving others.”
He turned and looked at the young man intently.
“You see, your work is a gift you have been given. It is a special gift because it gives as much to the giver as to the receiver. Find your gift and share it, and it will grow and multiply.”
“And out there”, he said gazing far into the stars “is a new mission waiting for you when this one is done.”
“It is time to hand on my sword and shield to you, for it is time for me to go.”
As the Elder Warrior handed them to him, he said slowly:
‘These are weapons of choice. Use them wisely. May they give you the courage to fight the war of purpose and serve others in a way that only you can do. And when you do, you will discover you have created a bigger impact than even you can explain.’
On the shield he noticed a worn message he could barely make out. He squinted to read it:
‘Bravery is not the absence of fear.’
When he looked up, the old man was gone.
But the young man’s story had only just begun.